The character seeds you sowed in the next generation will only be revealed when that generation goes
through fiery trials. When they pass the test of their faith, it will give praise, glory and honour to
God. (1Peter1:7)
The refiner’s fire that purifies Levi’s sons and refine them like gold or silver – that they may
bring an acceptable sacrifice (‘worship’). – Malachi 3.2b-3 It will be your portion as you or your
children are called to be a royal priesthood (see 1 Peter 2:9).
Dear friends, don’t be surprised by the fiery troubles that are coming to test you. Don’t feel
as though something strange is happening to you but be happy as you share Christ’s
sufferings. Then you will also be full of joy when he appears again in his glory. – 1 Peter 4.12
Therefor entrust yourselves (&your children) to a faithful creator and continue to do what is
good. – 1 Peter 4:19
In the fiery trial we Call on the Lord and He wíll answer us. – Zachariah 13:4
Character birthed through fiery trials glorify God
Praise him with tambourines and dancing!
Praise him with flutes and strings!
Let everything that has breath praise Adonai!
Hallelujah! Psalm 150: 4 & 6 (CJB)
Biblical References:
Hebrew word for Tambourine/Timbrel: TOPH (Strongs #8596)
Hebrew word for using the Tambourine/Timbrel: TAPHAPH (Strongs #8608)
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