Comfort (Psalm 71)


Praise him with tambourines and dancing!
Praise him with flutes and strings!
Let everything that has breath praise Adonai!
Hallelujah! Psalm 150: 4 & 6 (CJB)

Biblical References:
Hebrew word for Tambourine/Timbrel: TOPH (Strongs #8596)

Hebrew word for using the Tambourine/Timbrel: TAPHAPH (Strongs #8608)

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8. My mouth is filled with Your praise (sing a new song), with Your glory all day long.

9. Do not reject me when I am old or abandon me when I lose my strength.

12. O God, do not be so distant from me, O my God, come quickly to help me.

14. But I will always have hope. I will praise (sing a new song) You more and more.

15. My mouth will tell about your righteousness, about your salvation all day long. Even then, it is more

than I can understand.

16. I will come with the mighty deeds of the Almighthy LORD. I will praise (bring to remembrance) Your

righteousness, Yours alone.

17. O God, you have taught me ever since I was young, and I still talk about the miracles You have done.

18. Even when I am old and gray, do not abandon me, O God. Let me live to tell the people of this age

what Your strength has accomplished, to tell about Your power to all who will come.

19. Your righteousness reaches to the heavens, O God. You have done great things.

20. You have made me endure many terrible troubles. You restore me to life again.

21. You comfort me and make me greater than ever.

22. Because of Your Faithfulness, O my God, even I will give thanks to you as I play on a lyre.

23. My lips will sing with joy (shout with joy) when I make music to praise you. My soul, which

You have rescued will sing joyfully.

24. My tongue will tell about Your righteousness all day long, because those who wanted my downfall

have been disgraced and put to shame.


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Tambourines or is it Timbrels? The first instance of the word Tambourine/Timbrel/Tabret used in scripture is found in: Genesis 31:27 why did you flee in secret and deceive me and not tell me? I would have sent you off with joy and singing to the music of tambourines and lyres.

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