Enter With Boldness
I am the DOOR. Enter with boldness the holiest by the Blood of Jesus. Draw near with a true heart, your bodies washed with the pure water of His word.
Hold fast to your confession of hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful to fulfil every word He has spoken.
All for His Glory and your benefit.
I AM with you always as you enter any situation, opportunity, through the Blood of Jesus.
His Blood will protect you. His joy will be your strength, His Word will sustain you. His Spirit will guide you. Trust in His love, find peace in His presence, and walk in the light of His grace.
Enter His gates with thanksgiving in your hearts. Enter His courts with Praise.
- Frankincense,
- Hyssop,
- Geranium,
- Cedar,
- Pomegranate
- Palm MCT
- Almond Oil
In HIS Presence
Body Systems Affected
- Cardiovascular System
- Endocrine System
- Respiratory System
- Emotional Balance
- Nervous System
- Immune System
- Digestive System
- Skin
- Muscle & Bones
Application – Apply to the effected areas and or under the feet.
Diffuse, or inhale the aroma directly.